Arcana is pleased to present the next installment of the BEGIN ANYWHERE series, a performer-driven, salon-style concert series.
Oliver Messiaen: Le traquet stapazin (no. 4 of Catalogue d'oiseaux)
Franco Donatoni: Fili
John Cage: Two
John Cage: Aria
Kenneth Amis: Interludes I-IV
Stefan Wolpe: Quartet for Trumpet, Tenor Saxophone, Percussion and Piano
ARCANA Ensemble
Aaron Stewart, saxophone
Tessa Ellis, trumpet
Alize Rozsnyai, voice
Andy Thierauf, percussion
David Hughes, piano
Emma Resmin, flute and piccolo
Josh Machiz, bass
Michael Tan, piano
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Earlier Event: May 26
The Holy Presence of Joan d'Arc
Later Event: January 27
Julius Eastman: Thruway plus Gerry Eastman